Dallas, Madison, Polk and Warren Counties in Iowa
The WIC Food Package provides a variety of foods to help support your family’s nutritional well-being.
WIC Shopping Tips
1 = 1 gallon
0.75 = ½ gallon + 1 quart
0.5 = ½ gallon
0.25 = 1 quart
WIC Shopping Tips
How to buy 36 oz of cereal:
WIC Shopping Tips
*Available only for exclusively breastfed infants and mothers who are expecting multiples
At 6 months, you may choose for your infant to have pureed fruits and vegetables, money for fresh fruits and vegetables, or a mixture of both.
WIC Shopping Tips
*Available only for exclusively breastfed infants
WIC Shopping Tip
*If your infant has a medical condition that requires a formula different from Enfamil Infant, Enfamil Reguline, Enfamil Gentlease, Enfamil AR or Similac Soy a WIC Nutrition Specialist will work with your primary physician to ensure you receive the most appropriate formula for your baby’s nutritional needs. Click here to contact a WIC Nutrition Specialist.